Bsc. I.T.

Operating Systems Syllabus

I Introduction: What is an operating system? History of operating system, computer hardware, different operating systems, operating system concepts, system calls, operating system structure

Processes and Threads:Processes, threads, interprocess communication, scheduling, IPC problems.
II Memory Management:No memory abstraction, memory abstraction: address spaces, virtual memory, page replacement algorithms, design issues for paging systems, implementation issues, segmentation.

File Systems:Files, directories, file system implementation, file-system management and optimization, MS-DOS file system, UNIX V7 file system, CD ROM file system.
III Input-Output: Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, I/O software layers, disks, clocks, user interfaces: keyboard, mouse, monitor, thin clients, power management

Deadlocks:Resources, introduction to deadlocks, the ostrich algorithm, deadlock detection and recovery, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention, issues.
IV Virtualization and Cloud:History, requirements for virtualization, type 1 and 2 hypervisors, techniques for efficient virtualization, hypervisor microkernels, memory virtualization, I/O virtualization, Virtual appliances, virtual machines on multicore CPUs, Clouds.

Multiple Processor SystemsMultiprocessors, multicomputers, distributed systems.
V Case Study on LINUX and ANDROID:History of Unix and Linux, Linux Overview, Processes in Linux, Memory management in Linux, I/O in Linux, Linux file system, security in Linux. Android

Case Study on Windows: History of windows through Windows 10, programming windows, system structure, processes and threads in windows, memory management, caching in windows, I/O in windows, Windows NT file system, Windows power management, Security in windows.

Operating Systems Practicals

Practical NoDetails
1 Installation of virtual machine software.
2 Installation of Linux operating system (RedHat / Ubuntu) on virtual machine.
3 Installation of Windows operating system on virtial machine.
4 Linux commands: Working with Directories:
a pwd, cd, absolute and relative paths, ls, mkdir, rmdir
b file, touch, rm, cp. mv, rename, head, tail, cat, tac, more, less, strings, chmod
5 Linux commands: Working with files:
a ps, top, kill, pkill, bg, fg
b grep, locate, find, locate
c date, cal, uptime, w, whoami, finger, uname, man, df, du, free, whereis, which
d Compression: tar, gzip
6 Windows (DOS) Commands – 1
a Date, time, prompt, md, cd, rd, path.
b Chkdsk, copy, xcopy, format, fidsk, cls, defrag, del, move.
7 Windows (DOS) Commands – 2
a Diskcomp, diskcopy, diskpart, doskey, echo
b Edit, fc, find, rename, set, type, ver
8 Working with Windows Desktop and utilities
a Notepad
b Wordpad
c Paint
d Taskbar
e Adjusting display resolution
f Using the browsers
g Configuring simple networking
h Creating users and shares
9 Working with Linux Desktop and utilities
a The vi editor.
b Graphics
c Terminal
d Adjusting display resolution
e Using the browsers
f Configuring simple networking
g Creating users and shares
10 Installing utility software on Linux and Windows

Operating Systems Reference Books

Title Modern Operating Systems
Authors Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
Publisher Pearson
Edition 4th
Year 2014
Download Here
Title Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles
Authors Willaim
Publisher Pearson
Edition 8th
Year 2009
Download Here
Title Operating System Concepts
Authors Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvineg Gagne
Publisher Wiley
Edition 8th
Download Here
Title Operating Systems
Authors Godbole and Kahate
Publisher McGraw Hill
Edition 3rd
Download Here