Bsc. I.T.

Enterprise Java Syllabus

I Understanding Java EE: What is an Enterprise Application? What is java enterprise edition? Java EE Technologies, Java EE evolution, Glassfish server

Java EE Architecture, Server and Containers: Types of System Architecture, Java EE Server, Java EE Containers.

Introduction to Java Servlets: The Need for Dynamic Content, Java Servlet Technology, Why Servlets? What can Servlets do?

Servlet API and Lifecycle: Java Servlet API, The Servlet Skeleton, The Servlet Life Cycle, A Simple Welcome Servlet

Working With Servlets: Getting Started, Using Annotations Instead of Deployment Descriptor.

Working with Databases: What Is JDBC? JDBC Architecture, Accessing Database, The Servlet GUI and Database Example.
II Request Dispatcher: Resquestdispatcher Interface, Methods of Requestdispatcher, Requestdispatcher Application.

COOKIES: Kinds Of Cookies, Where Cookies Are Used? Creating Cookies Using Servlet, Dynamically Changing The Colors Of A Page

SESSION: What Are Sessions? Lifecycle Of Http Session, Session Tracking With Servlet API, A Servlet Session Example

Working With Files: Uploading Files, Creating an Upload File Application, Downloading Files, Creating a Download File Application.

Working With Non-Blocking I/O: Creating a Non-Blocking Read Application, Creating The Web Application, Creating Java Class, Creating Servlets, Retrieving The File, Creating index.jsp
III Introduction To Java Server Pages: Why use Java Server Pages? Disadvantages Of JSP, JSP v\s Servlets, Life Cycle of a JSP Page, How does a JSP function? How does JSP execute? About Java Server Pages

Getting Started With Java Server Pages: Comments, JSP Document, JSP Elements, JSP GUI Example.

Action Elements: Including other Files, Forwarding JSP Page to Another Page, Passing Parameters for other Actions, Loading a Javabean.

Implicit Objects, Scope And El Expressions: Implicit Objects, Character Quoting Conventions, Unified Expression Language [Unified El], Expression Language.

ava Server Pages Standard Tag Libraries: What is wrong in using JSP Scriptlet Tags? How JSTL Fixes JSP Scriptlet's Shortcomings? Disadvantages Of JSTL, Tag Libraries.
IV Introduction To Enterprise Javabeans: Enterprise Bean Architecture, Benefits of Enterprise Bean, Types of Enterprise Bean, Accessing Enterprise Beans, Enterprise Bean Application, Packaging Enterprise Beans

Working With Session Beans: When to use Session Beans? Types of Session Beans, Remote and Local Interfaces, Accessing Interfaces, Lifecycle of Enterprise Beans, Packaging Enterprise Beans, Example of Stateful Session Bean, Example of Stateless Session Bean, Example of Singleton Session Beans.

Working with Message Driven Beans: Lifecycle of a Message Driven Bean, Uses of Message Driven Beans, The Message Driven Beans Example.

Interceptors: Request And Interceptor, Defining An Interceptor, AroundInvoke Method, Applying Interceptor, Adding An Interceptor To An Enterprise Bean, Build and Run the Web Application.

Java Naming and Directory Interface: What is Naming Service? What is Directory Service? What is Java Naming and Directory interface? Basic Lookup, JNDI Namespace in Java EE, Resources and JNDI, Datasource Resource Definition in Java EE.
V Persistence, Object/Relational Mapping And JPA: What is Persistence? Persistence in Java, Current Persistence Standards in Java, Why another Persistence Standards? Object/Relational Mapping,

Introduction to Java Persistence API: The Java Persistence API, JPA, ORM, Database and the Application, Architecture of JPA, How JPA Works? JPA Specifications.

Writing JPA Application: Application Requirement Specifications, Software Requirements, The Application Development Approach, Creating Database And Tables in Mysql, Creating a Web Application, Adding the Required Library Files, Creating a Javabean Class, Creating Persistence Unit [Persistence.Xml], Creating JSPS, The JPA Application Structure, Running The JPA Application.

Introduction to Hibernate: What is Hibernate? Why Hibernate? Hibernate, Database and The Application, Components of Hibernate, Architecture of Hibernate, How Hibernate Works?

Writing Hibernate Application: Application Requirement Specifications, Software Requirements, The Application Development Approach, Creating Database and Tables in Mysql, Creating a Web Application, Adding The Required Library Files, Creating a Javabean Class, Creating Hibernate Configuration File, Adding a Mapping Class, Creating JSPS, Running The Hibernate Application.

Enterprise Java Practicals

Practical NoDetails
1 Implement the following Simple Servlet applications.
a Create a simple calculator application using servlet.
b Create a servlet for a login page. If the username and password are correct then it says message “Hello ” else a message “login failed”
c Create a registration servlet in Java using JDBC. Accept the details such as Username, Password, Email, and Country from the user using HTML Form and store the registration details in the database.
2 Implement the following Servlet applications with Cookies and Sessions.
a Using Request Dispatcher Interface create a Servlet which will validate the password entered by the user, if the user has entered "Servlet" as password, then he will be forwarded to Welcome Servlet else the user will stay on the index.html page and an error message will be displayed.
b Create a servlet that uses Cookies to store the number of times a user has visited servlet.
c Create a servlet demonstrating the use of session creation and destruction. Also check whether the user has visited this page first time or has visited earlier also using sessions.
3 Implement the Servlet IO and File applications.
a Create a Servlet application to upload and download a file.
b Develop Simple Servlet Question Answer Application using Database.
c Create simple Servlet application to demonstrate Non-Blocking Read Operation.
4 Implement the following JSP applications.
a Develop a simple JSP application to display values obtained from the use of intrinsic objects of various types.
b Develop a simple JSP application to pass values from one page to another with validations. (Name-txt, age-txt, hobbies-checkbox, email-txt, gender-radio button).
c Create a registration and login JSP application to register and authenticate the user based on username and password using JDBC.
5 Implement the following JSP JSTL and EL Applications.
a Create an html page with fields, eno, name, age, desg, salary. Now on submit this data to a JSP page which will update the employee table of database with matching eno.
b Create a JSP page to demonstrate the use of Expression language.
c Create a JSP application to demonstrate the use of JSTL.
6 Implement the following EJB Applications.
a Create a Currency Converter application using EJB.
b Develop a Simple Room Reservation System Application Using EJB.
c Develop simple shopping cart application using EJB [Stateful Session Bean].
7 Implement the following EJB applications with different types of Beans.
a Develop simple EJB application to demonstrate Servlet Hit count using Singleton Session Beans.
b Develop simple visitor Statistics application using Message Driven Bean [Stateless Session Bean].
c Develop simple Marks Entry Application to demonstrate accessing Database using EJB.
8 Implement the following JPA applications.
a Develop a simple Inventory Application Using JPA.
b Develop a Guestbook Application Using JPA.
c Create simple JPA application to store and retrieve Book details.
9 Implement the following JPA applications with ORM and Hibernate.
a Develop a JPA Application to demonstrate use of ORM associations.
b Develop a Hibernate application to store Feedback of Website Visitor in MySQL Database.
c Develop a Hibernate application to store and retrieve employee details in MySQL Database.
10 Implement the following Hibernate applications.
a Develop an application to demonstrate Hibernate One- To -One Mapping Using Annotation.
b Develop Hibernate application to enter and retrieve course details with ORM Mapping.
c Develop a five page web application site using any two or three Java EE Technologies.

Enterprise Java Reference Books

Title Java EE 7 For Beginners
Authors Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah
Publisher SPD
Edition First
Year 2017
Download Here
Title Java EE 8 Cookbook: Build reliable applications with the most robust and mature technology for enterprise development
Authors Elder Moraes
Publisher Packt
Edition First
Year 2018
Download Here
Title Advanced Java Programming
Authors Uttam Kumar Roy
Publisher Uttam Kumar Roy
Year 2015
Download Here