Bsc. I.T. - Next Generation Technologies
Bsc. I.T.

Next Generation Technologies Syllabus

I Big Data: Getting Started, Big Data, Facts About Big Data, Big Data Sources, Three Vs of Big Data, Volume, Variety, Velocity, Usage of Big Data, Visibility, Discover and Analyze Information, Segmentation and Customizations, Aiding Decision Making, Innovation, Big Data Challenges, Policies and Procedures, Access to Data, Technology and Techniques, Legacy Systems and Big Data, Structure of Big Data, Data Storage, Data Processing, Big Data Technologies

NoSQL: SQL, NoSQL, Definition, A Brief History of NoSQL, ACID vs. BASE, CAP Theorem (Brewer’s Theorem), The BASE, NoSQL Advantages and Disadvantages, Advantages of NoSQL, Disadvantages of NoSQL, SQL vs. NoSQL Databases, Categories of NoSQL Databases

Introducing MongoDB: History, MongoDB Design Philosophy, Speed, Scalability, and Agility, Non-Relational Approach, JSON-Based Document Store, Performance vs. Features, Running the Database Anywhere, SQL Comparison
II The MongoDB Data Model: The Data Model, JSON and BSON, The Identifier (_id), Capped Collection, Polymorphic Schemas, Object- Oriented Programming, Schema Evolution

Using MongoDB Shell: Basic Querying, Create and Insert, Explicitly Creating Collections, Inserting Documents Using Loop, Inserting by Explicitly Specifying _id, Update, Delete, Read, Using Indexes, Stepping Beyond the Basics, Using Conditional Operators, Regular Expressions, MapReduce, aggregate(), Designing an Application’s Data Model, Relational Data Modeling and Normalization, MongoDB Document Data Model Approach

MongoDB Architecture: Core Processes, mongod, mongo, mongos, MongoDB Tools, Standalone Deployment, Replication, Master/Slave Replication, Replica Set, Implementing Advanced Clustering with Replica Sets, Sharding, Sharding Components, Data Distribution Process, Data Balancing Process, Operations, Implementing Sharding, Controlling Collection Distribution (Tag-Based Sharding), Points to Remember When Importing Data in a ShardedEnvironment, Monitoring for Sharding, Monitoring the Config Servers, Production Cluster Architecture, Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, Scenario 4
III MongoDB Storage Engine: Data Storage Engine, Data File (Relevant for MMAPv1), Namespace (.ns File), Data File (Relevant for WiredTiger), Reads and Writes, How Data Is Written Using Journaling, GridFS – The MongoDB File System, The Rationale of GridFS, GridFSunder the Hood, Using GridFS, Indexing, Types of Indexes, Behaviors and Limitations

MongoDB Use Cases: Use Case 1 -Performance Monitoring, Schema Design, Operations, Sharding, Managing the Data, Use Case 2 – Social Networking, Schema Design, Operations, Sharding

MongoDB Limitations: MongoDB Space Is Too Large (Applicable for MMAPv1), Memory Issues (Applicable for Storage Engine MMAPv1), 32-bit vs. 64-bit, BSON Documents, Namespaces Limits, Indexes Limit, Capped Collections Limit - Maximum Number of Documents in a Capped Collection, Sharding Limitations, Shard Early to Avoid Any Issues, Shard Key Can’t Be Updated, Shard Collection Limit, Select the Correct Shard Key, Security Limitations, No Authentication by Default, Traffi c to and from MongoDB Isn’t Encrypted, Write and Read Limitations, Case-Sensitive Queries, Type- Sensitive Fields, No JOIN, Transactions, MongoDB Not Applicable Range

MongoDB Best Practices: Deployment, Hardware Suggestions from the MongoDB Site, Few Points to be Noted, Coding, Application Response Time Optimization, Data Safety, Administration, Replication Lag, Sharding, Monitoring
IV The End of Disk? SSD and In-Memory Databases: The End of Disk?, Solid State Disk, The Economics of Disk, SSD-Enabled Databases, In-Memory Databases, TimesTen, Redis, SAP HANA, VoltDB, Oracle 12c “in-Memory Database, Berkeley Analytics Data Stack and Spark, Spark Architecture

jQuery: Introduction, Traversing the DOM, DOM Manipulation with jQuery, Events, Ajax with jQuery, jQuery Plug-ins, jQuery Image Slider
V JSON: Introduction, JSON Grammar, JSON Values, JSON Tokens, Syntax, JSON vs XML, Data Types, Objects, Arrays, Creating JSON, JSON Object, Parsing JSON, Persisting JSON, Data Interchange, JSON PHP, JSON HTML, JSONP

Next Generation Technologies Practicals

Practical NoDetails
1 MongoDB Basics
a Write a MongoDB query to create and drop database.
b Write a MongoDB query to create, display and drop collection
c Write a MongoDB query to insert, query, update and delete a document.
2 Simple Queries with MongoDB
3 Implementing Aggregation
a Write a MongoDB query to use sum, avg, min and max expression.
b Write a MongoDB query to use push and addToSet expression.
c Write a MongoDB query to use first and last expression.
4 Replication, Backup and Restore
a Write a MongoDB query to create Replica of existing database.
b Write a MongoDB query to create a backup of existing database
c Write a MongoDB query to restore database from the backup.
5 Java and MongoDB
a Connecting Java with MongoDB and inserting, retrieving, updating and deleting.
6 PHP and MongoDB
a Connecting PHP with MongoDB and inserting, retrieving, updating and deleting.
7 Python and MongoDB
a Connecting Python with MongoDB and inserting, retrieving, updating and deleting.
8 Programs on Basic jQuery
a jQuery Basic, jQuery Events
b jQuery Selectors, jQuery Hide and Show effects
c jQuery fading effects, jQuery Sliding effects
9 jQuery Advanced
a jQuery Animation effects, jQuery Chaining
b jQuery Callback, jQuery Get and Set Contents
c jQuery Callback, jQuery Get and Set Contents
a Creating JSON
b Parsing JSON
c Persisting JSON
11 Create a JSON file and import it to MongoDB
a Export MongoDB to JSON.
b Write a MongoDB query to delete JSON object from MongoDB

Next Generation Technologies Reference Books

Title Practical MongoDB
Authors Shakuntala Gupta Edward Navin Sabharwal
Publisher Apress
Download Here
Title Beginning jQuery
Authors Jack Franklin Russ Ferguson
Publisher Apress
Edition 2nd
Download Here
Title Next Generation Databases
Authors Guy Harrison
Publisher Apress
Download Here
Title Beginning JSON
Authors Ben Smith
Publisher Apress
Download Here