Bsc. I.T. - Advanced Web Programming
Bsc. I.T.

Advanced Web Programming Syllabus

I Introducing .NET: The .NET Framework, C#, VB, and the .NET Languages, The Common Language Runtime, The .NET Class Library.

The C# Language: C# Language Basics, Variables and Data Types, Variable Operations, Object-Based Manipulation, Conditional Logic, Loops, Methods.

Types, Objects, and Namespaces: The Basics About Classes, Building a Basic Class, Value Types and Reference Types, Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies, Advanced Class Programming.
II Web Form Fundamentals: Writing Code, Using the Code-Behind Class, Adding Event Handlers, Understanding the Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application, Introducing Server Controls, Using the Page Class, Using Application Events, Configuring an ASP.NET Application.

Form Controls: Stepping Up to Web Controls, Web Control Classes, List Controls, Table Controls, Web Control Events and AutoPostBack, Validation, Understanding Validation, Using the Validation Controls, Rich Controls, The Calendar, The AdRotator, Pages with Multiple Views, User Controls and Graphics, User Controls, Dynamic Graphics, The Chart Control, Website Navigation: Site Maps, URL Mapping and Routing, The SiteMapPath Control, The TreeView Control, The Menu Control.
III Error Handling, Logging, and Tracing: Avoiding Common Errors, Understanding Exception Handling, Handling Exceptions, Throwing Your Own Exceptions, Using Page Tracing

State Management: Understanding the Problem of State, Using View State, Transferring Information Between Pages, Using Cookies, Managing Session State, Configuring Session State, Using Application State, Comparing State Management Options

Styles, Themes, and Master Pages: Styles, Themes, Master Page Basics, Advanced Master Pages,
IV ADO.NET Fundamentals: Understanding Databases, Configuring Your Database, Understanding SQL Basics, Understanding the Data Provider Model, Using Direct Data Access, Using Disconnected Data Access.

Data Binding:Introducing Data Binding, Using Single-Value Data Binding, Using Repeated-Value Data Binding, Working with Data Source Controls

The Data Controls: The GridView, Formatting the GridView, Selecting a GridView Row, Editing with the GridView, Sorting and Paging the GridView, Using GridView Templates, The DetailsView and FormView
V XML: XML Explained, The XML Classes, XML Validation, XML Display and Transforms.

Security Fundamentals: Understanding Security Requirements, Authentication and Authorization, Forms Authentication, Windows Authentication.

ASP.NET AJAX: Understanding Ajax, Using Partial Refreshes, Using Progress Notification, Implementing Timed Refreshes, Working with the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.

Advanced Web Programming Practicals

Practical NoDetails
1 Working with basic C# and ASP .NET
a Create an application that obtains four int values from the user and displays the product.
b Create an application to demonstrate string operations.
c Create an application that receives the (Student Id, Student Name, Course Name, Date of Birth) information from a set of students. The application should also display the information of all the students once the data entered.
d Create an application to demonstrate following operations
i. Generate Fibonacci series.
ii. Test for prime numbers.
iii. Test for vowels.
iv. Use of foreach loop with arrays
v. Reverse a number and find sum of digits of a number.
2 Working with Object Oriented C# and ASP .NET
a Create simple application to perform following operations
i. Finding factorial Value
ii. Money Conversion
iii. Quadratic Equation
iv. Temperature Conversion
b Create simple application to demonstrate use of following concepts
i. Function Overloading
ii. Inheritance (all types)
iii. Constructor overloading
iv. Interfaces
c Create simple application to demonstrate use of following concepts
i. Using Delegates and events
ii. Exception handling
3 Working with Web Forms and Controls
a Create a simple web page with various sever controls to demonstrate setting and use of their properties. (Example : AutoPostBack)
b Demonstrate the use of Calendar control to perform following operations.
a) Display messages in a calendar control
b) Display vacation in a calendar control
c) Selected day in a calendar control using style
d) Difference between two calendar dates
c Demonstrate the use of Treeview control perform following operations.
a) Treeview control and datalist
b) Treeview operations
4 Working with Form Controls
a Create a Registration form to demonstrate use of various Validation controls.
b Create Web Form to demonstrate use of Adrotator Control.
c Create Web Form to demonstrate use User Controls.
5 Working with Navigation, Beautification and Master page.
a Create Web Form to demonstrate use of Website Navigation controls and Site Map.
b Create a web application to demonstrate use of Master Page with applying Styles and Themes for page beautification.
c Create a web application to demonstrate various states of ASP.NET Pages.
6 Working with Database
a Create a web application bind data in a multiline textbox by querying in another textbox.
b Create a web application to display records by using database.
c Demonstrate the use of Datalist link control.
7 Working with Database
a Create a web application to display Databinding using dropdownlist control.
b Create a web application for to display the phone no of an author using database.
c Create a web application for inserting and deleting record from a database. (Using Execute-Non Query).
8 Working with data controls
a Create a web application to demonstrate various uses and properties of SqlDataSource.
b Create a web application to demonstrate data binding using DetailsView and FormView Control.
c Create a web application to display Using Disconnected Data Access and Databinding using GridView.
9 Working with GridView control
a Create a web application to demonstrate use of GridView control template and GridView hyperlink.
b Create a web application to demonstrate use of GridView button column and GridView events.
c Create a web application to demonstrate GridView paging and Creating own table format using GridView.
10 Working with AJAX and XML
a Create a web application to demonstrate reading and writing operation with XML.
b Create a web application to demonstrate Form Security and Windows Security with proper Authentication and Authorization properties.
c Create a web application to demonstrate use of various Ajax controls.
11 Programs to create and use DLL

Advanced Web Programming Reference Books

Title Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#
Authors Matthew MacDonald
Publisher Apress
Year 2012
Download Here
Title C# 2015
Authors Anne Bohem and Joel Murach
Publisher Murach
Edition Third
Year 2016
Download Here
Title Murach’s ASP.NET 4.6 Web Programming in C#2015
Authors Mary Delamater and Anne Bohem
Publisher SPD
Edition Sixth
Year 2016
Download Here
Title ASP.NET 4.0 programming
Authors J. Kanjilal
Publisher Tata McGraw- Hill
Year 2011
Download Here
Title Programming ASP.NET
Authors D.Esposito
Publisher Microsoft Press (Dreamtech)
Year 2011
Download Here
Title Beginning Visual C# 2010
Authors K. Watson, C. Nagel, J.H Padderson, J.D. Reid, M.Skinner
Publisher Wrox (Wiley)
Year 2010
Download Here